Narrated History

Homecoming Service

Photo Collections

As part of the Homecoming Celebration process, we made a concerted effort to gather as many pictures of Due West in action as possible. This endeavor entailed searching through our media archive, as well as sifting through many physical collections within the church. Congregants generously contributed their own photos, and we launched an email campaign to encourage submissions. Additionally, we took the time to digitize any pictures that existed only in physical format. This extensive process spanned over eight months!

Now that we've transitioned from celebrating to continuing our mission as the hands and feet of God, we are committed to preserving everyone's pictures in a digital archive. Prior to uploading the Homecoming pictures, our library on SmugMug contained just under 4,000 pictures. Today, we are proud to announce that we have a total of 45,468 pictures available. This increase amounts to at least 41,468 pictures that are now saved and accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. We invite you to savor these heartwarming memories at your own pace.

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