Youth Communications

We want to connect with you and your family in the best way and effectively communicate! Read below about our various forms of communication!

  • MailChimp

    A subscription newsletter that is typically sent once a month with ALL the information for the upcoming month and save-the-date details. Click below to sign up!

  • FaceBook

    We use social media to post upcoming events, youth ministry photos, and helpful articles. The posts are public so you can share them to your personal accounts to invite others to join the fun!

    Facebook is targeted more to adults.

  • Remind

    These are quick, short reminders! Students and parents both can receive these straight to their phone via the Remind App or text messages. These usually are reminders like "Don't forget youth tonight! We're having hamburgers!"

    We have Middle School Thread and a High School Thread. The parent thread receives all messages so only register for one!

  • ChurchCenter

    The Database hub for the WHOLE CHURCH of Due West! We take attendance, provide registrations, process online donations, schedule events, signup for groups, and more through this database but it is only as good as the information submitted from the congregation! Members and participants must download and manage their accounts from their smartphones, devices, or computers for this system to work best.

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